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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

2 Traffic Strategies You Have Never Heard by Mark Flavin

Free Strategies

Mention traffic generation and chances are, people will suggest the usual approached. Article marketing, forum posting, reciprocal linking, search engine optimization (SEO), and even traffic buying… these are just some of the choices you always read about in many resource centers in the World Wide Web

And since information about them is everywhere, you could bet your bottom dollar that your competitors are doing the exact same tactics.

You need something better. You need something new. You need something effective that people have yet to exploit & as you know I love Unorthodox Traffic Creation Methods.......

And boy, are you in luck Grace!

In this article, we’re going to discuss two powerful traffic generating strategies that you have never heard of before, and chances are, your competitors won’t have a clue about them either. These are tactics that are “hot off the press,” so to speak. They have just been discovered, and they are bound to give you unbridled traffic the likes of which you may not have experienced before.

The Secrets Of MySpace

There are reports circulating that is generating 2 ½ times the amount of traffic that Google is acquiring. This is mistaken report that grew out of proportions. The real fact is that is using 2 ½ times the bandwidth of Google, given the many exciting, but bandwidth-hungry, features of this website.

Nonetheless, there is no denying the fact that MySpace is one of the MOST visited websites today.

MySpace is a community website that allows people to create their own profiles and connect the same to other people to build their own virtual network. It’s quite easy to build your network in this community. People claim that they are able to gain 1,500 contacts within two weeks.

Now, how could these statistics help you generate massive traffic for your own website?


Create a MySpace profile and build your network. It doesn’t require much effort. There are already quite a number of services out there that could even do the job for you.

Include your main website’s link in your profile page. This would give you a back link on a page that has a very high Page Rank (PR), which is excellent to boost your website’s own PR. For the uninitiated, a high PR would mean a higher placement in search engine results, hence a greater volume of traffic for your website.

But this isn’t enough.

MySpace also has a community billboard feature. If you’d post there, your message would appear in the profiles of all your contacts. Simply include your link in your message. Imagine if you have 20,000 contacts. You could potentially garner 20,000 visitors with just one message. Additionally, you’d have 20,000 back links pointing to your main website! This is a wonderful opportunity to increase your link popularity!

This MySpace route is something that has yet to be exploited. In fact, most of the internet marketing superstars have yet to discover this approach.

Yes indeed.

You’ll be one of the first!


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