The Ultimate Success Secrets - By Song Cheng Xiang
What do you want in your life? Do you want a big house, a nice car, a healthy body, a peaceful mind, a million dollar note, a happy marriage? Whatever you want, you can have it.
Whatever you want, you deserve it, provided you follow my simple 6 steps formula.
Why does my simple formula work?
You can find tons of self help books in the library, they teach you how to become successful, how to earn a million dollar in a year, how to use affirmation and visualization to achieve
your goals. Do all these methods work? Yes, they are. You may think that I am cheating you, because you have already tried all of them, and none of them works. No, I am not cheating you. All these methods work, but none of them works alone. They must be put into a system, and put into practice on a daily basis. Otherwise, you will be disappointed by the big fat claims of those authors. My simple formula works, because I have put all these self help techniques into a simple system, and it is easy to follow, easy to implement. What you must do in order for this formula to work is that you must follow my instruction exactly, and put the actions onto your schedule.
Then, before long, you will build the momentum to follow through, and success become inevitable. With that, let’s start the simple 6 steps formula.
Step #1: Establish a clear vision
You can not hit a target before you have it. To be successful in life, you must clearly define your vision. This vision must be so compelling that you are willing to do whatever it takes to
accomplish it. Why do successful persons succeed? What’s the difference that makes the difference? The biggest difference between those who succeed and those who are not is that the
successful people know what they want, and they are committed 100 percent.95 percent of the populations don’t know what they want. They go to work everyday because they have to. They don’t know what the purpose of doing that job is.
By setting a clearly defined vision, you have already been in the top 5 percent of the populations. Remember this phrase “CLARITY IS POWER”.
Exercise NO.1
Sit in a quiet room where nobody will disturb you for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Put a blank piece of paper in front of you, and write this question on top “What do I really want in my
life?” Then come out with as many answers as you can. Take top five answers, and write them in a hardcover notebook. Read them everyday. This is your mission statement. Your mission statement should go like this. I, (you name), am hundred percent committed to have (your goals) in my life, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to accomplish my goals.
Your signature
Step #2: Have a strong reason
You can not achieve anything without a clear understanding why you want to achieve it. 80 percent of your success comes from your “WHY”, and only 20 percent comes from the “HOW”. You will not 100 percent commit to your success until you find a strong reason why you want to succeed. You will not have the courage to follow through until you find your “WHY”. Is it really that important? Yes, it is. I have seen many people come into a great business, and have the ambition to make a lot of money from it, but before long, when they meet some obstacles, they quit. I have also seen that many ordinary people come into the same business, and really make
a lot of money from it. What is the difference? The difference is that the second group of people knows why they are doing this business, they have a strong reason to succeed, and they
will do whatever it takes.
Exercise No.2
Sit in a quiet room where nobody will disturb you for the next 15 to 20 minutes. Put a blank piece of paper in front of you, and write this question on top “Why must I succeed in my life?” Then come out with as many answers as you can. Don’t stop until your hands get tired. It does not matter if you find yourself keep writing the same answer, the key is to let your mind flow. You should come out with as many as few hundreds answers. You will find yourself tends to cry when certain types of answers come out. That is what you are looking for. That is your “WHY”. Then write those reasons into the same note book, and read them daily. This exercise alone can change your life, so play your part.
Step #3: Affirmation in motion
Affirmation is the most used technique in personal development. Many people say it does not work. However, if it were used properly, this is the most powerful and simple technique that really works. I use affirmation a bit differently from most people. I learned this from Anthony Robins. He called it incantation. I use a simplified version of incantation. It works like this, every morning when you go out for jogging or for a walk, you repeat one or two affirmation aloud, start
from warming up till the end of the walk. They key is you should say it aloud, and say it as you move. In this way, you are not only using your mind, you are using your whole body. It works fantastic.
Exercise NO.3
Sit down in a quiet room, take out your note book, and write down one affirmation for every of your goals that you have written into your mission statement. Next morning, when you go out for jogging, repeat those phrases aloud to yourself. Say it with certainty, as if you already have it. Over the past few years, I have found some affirmations that work best for me. I list them here for your information.
• I like myself;
• I deserve the best;
• I am a leader people are looking for;
• I am responsible;
• I am an enlightened millionaire;
• I am the best; no one is better or smarter than me.
Step #4: Goals writing
This technique comes from Brian Tracy. It is one of the most powerful techniques I have come across in the years of studying self development. The conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time. As you are writing your goals on a piece of paper, you are forcing your mind to focus on your goals. The more you focus, the more likely your goals will come true. One of my favorite phrases that I learn from Brian Tracy is “you are what you think most of the time”. The technique goes like this, each morning after your get up, and every evening before you go to bed, write down your top ten goals on your goals writing book. Visualize your goals as you write. Under each goal, write down several actions you need to take to accomplish that goal.
Exercise No.4
Prepare a goals writing book. Do the goals writing exercise twice a day, one in the morning and one in the evening for the next ten days. You will be amazed by how powerful this technique is. Try it.
Step #5: Mind cleaning
Most people in the world are conditioned to think negatively. When you get around with these people, it is difficult for you not to think negatively. Your mind is like a garden, you need to take care of it all the time. Don’t let the weed mess your garden. You need to clean your mind on a daily basis. How are you going to do that? You need to feed your mind with positive information every day. This positive information can be obtained from self help books, tapes, seminars, etc. An even more powerful way is to listen to subliminal tapes which contain all the positive messages and it is able to transfer all the positive messages directly into your subconscious mind.
Exercise NO.5
Read self help books or listen to self help tapes every day for at least 30 minutes. Ideally, you should listen to subliminal tapes for another 30 minutes at least. Keep doing this exercise for at least 10 days to build up your momentum.
Step #6: Act as if you already succeeded
If you want to be a millionaire, act like a millionaire. If you want to be a person with high level of confidence, then act as if you were a person like that. Don’t mind what others say.
Sooner or later, you will find yourself feel very comfortable in doing this. And as you come to the stage that you feel like a millionaire, you’ve already done 90 percent of the work you need to achieve your millionaire goal.
Exercise NO. 6
Take one goal from your mission statement. From this day onwards, wherever you go, behave like you already achieved that goal. If your goal is to become a leader, act like a leader. If your goal is to become a public figure, then act like a public figure. Have fun with yourself.
Yours for Success and Wealth,
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