
The POWER of the Internet and Multiple Income Streams! ...This is where my expertise and knowledge of mysteries can assist you...

Friday, July 06, 2007

What Happened To All My Money?

What Happened To All My Money? by DougMann-SuccessSystemInt.

It's funny isn't it?

Most of us go into network marketing with huge hopes of financial gains and then look up 6 months later only to see huge financial loses.

Let's start with a few important stats:

*95% of network markets never make it past the 1st year
* 3 out of 4 distributors quit within their first 90 days
*8 out of 10 distributors never sponsor a single person

But in contrast . . .

*Distributors that do earn a check stay twice as long as those who do not

Just imagine discovering how to transform yourself into the pursued instead of the pursuer. Yes! People can and will be breaking down your door with credit card in hand if you do just a few things right. Here's Where You Start!

These are the economic of the business.

As cold and as hard as they may sound I would be doing you an injustice by not bringing them up here right now.

This is compounded by the fact that network marketing in today's landscape is nothing like it was 10 years ago. The advent and the Internet and the huge accessibility of any company to anyone in today's network marketing model makes attrition a huge factor.

The model of cold calling leads is not applicable to today's network marketer because while the cost of finding a new team member has not risen significantly in a time based model the probability of keeping them has declined significantly.

This means you do the same amount of work to sponsor someone, but that person doesn't hold the same long term value that they once did so in the end it cost you more.

Further unless you have the financial means to fight the good fight you're dead in the water even if you recruit 10 or 20 people because in all likelihood most of them will not be there 90 days later.

Money is a much larger contributing factor in today's network marketing world than it was just a few short years ago.

I don't say these things by any means to say that success isn't on your horizon. I say these things to say to you that you have to think more about how you run your business than you did in the past.

What needs to be a focal point economically is $!


10 years ago you could get by with calling leads and slowly growing a locked in residual income even if the cost of each potential sign up was relatively high because those people would lock themselves in to you and what you do.

The cost was justified.

Today this isn't so true.

Unless you lock people into your business by helping them make money quickly you are standing in quick sand.

How do you do this?

Well, it's gotta start with you.

Remember yesterday when speaking about leverage I said:

"By creating a situation in which I not only control how many and how fast I generate an unlimited flow of the high quality leads I create maximal controllable leverage."

This is crucially important to you and your business as well, but what we didn't get into is how and well, how, involves a discussion of finance.


In order to keep yourself afloat in today's network marketing world you gotta make $ all throughout the process.

You have to monetize your efforts all the way down the path.

If you don't you end up spending more money than you have and inevitably fall into the traps I mentioned above. (Which are not your fault they are merely market conditions to be dealt with and overcome.)

When you take care of your personal finances you create a situation of maximum controllable leverage where you can literally recruit at will and with little real time or effort.

The truth is . . .

It's actually easier to make $500 a month and recruit 10 people than it is to spend $500 a month calling leads and maybe recruit 2 if you're lucky.

Which situation would you rather be in?

Let me tell you,

You don't recruit 375 people without picking up the phone unless you have a few things working in your favor.

The thing is, all of these things are in your control and as soon as you take care of money in your business first for yourself and then for your team as it grows it gets a whole lot easier.

That's the game I play.

Stack the deck in your favor and there is no other option but to win.

Don't you think it's your turn?

Here's Where You Start!

Stay tuned because tomorrow we're gonna dig even deeper. They say retailing is the lifeblood of your network marketing business, I say . . . well you'll see tomorrow.

To the top,

Respectfully Yours.

Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
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P.S.Business Opportunities are a dime a dozen and I am sure you have looked at plenty in your search for the right one for you to run entirely from your own home, with the absolute maximum possible profit and with the very minimal amount of work..Well, look no more because this is it: This is a very simple, very REAL business that Will Make You very easy, very REAL Money! You probably wouldn't mind adding $1,000 or more every day to your bank account, would you?

The Perfect Way To make MONEY

There's never a better time than right NOW to tell someone you love them. You never know how long they will be with you

PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the programs you have viewed. Contact me by Clicking Here

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Internet Users Choose Speed And Readability Over Appearance: Web Poll

ARTICLE: Internet Users Choose Speed And Readability Over Appearance: Web Poll
by Rick Sloboda

More than 93 per cent of Internet users indicated they favour speed and readability over appearance when visiting websites, according to a recent online poll conducted by Webcopyplus.

When Internet users were asked what's likely to drive them away from a website:

* 51.2 per cent indicated "slow load times"
* 42.2 per cent specified "weak web copy"
* 6.6 per cent noted "poor visual presentation"

A total of 258 users participated in the web writing service provider's online poll during a four-month period that ended in April of 2007.

The poll results clearly suggest functionality and clear messages top Internet users' desires and demands.


A total of 132 Internet users noted they are quick to hit the 'back button' when pages are slow to load, implying they expect websites to deliver information rapidly without exception.

The Web is fully capable of distributing communications at a staggering rate, but many web creators willfully hinder the technology. For the sake of visitors, you should optimize your images, streamline your HTML and stay away from self-serving Flash intros that provide little or no value.

While Flash is an effective tool for adding audio, video and animation to a website, it's simply overused.

Why make visitors wait as much as a minute just to watch a logo spin around? It's a blatant disregard for web users and their time. In fact, most Flash intros are likely not created with the visitor and business in mind, but rather as an opportunity to showcase a programmer's abilities.

If someone wants to experiment or go for design awards, it shouldn't be done on the customer's dime.

Web writing

Web writing was deemed most important to 109 poll participants. Why? Well, if a site's web writing does not present the information needed by users, the website provides little or no value regardless of how fast it loads or how stunning it looks.

Provide online visitors web writing that is relevant, concise, scannable and objective. Stay away from marketing hype, which is one of the quickest ways to get labeled a 'spammer' and kill your credibility.


The fact that only 17 poll participants placed weight on visual presentation doesn't mean designers hold a small role in the Web and its evolution.

Quite the contrary. Good designers and programmers recognize the fact that design is both function and aesthetics. It's not about decoration.

Good design is the tool and principle by which we craft and convey successful communications. Consequently, good design is what ultimately produces useful, convenient and simple websites.

At the end of the day, load time, web writing and design all have integral roles in promoting usability and positive online experiences.

Deliver on all three fronts and you'll experience more online traffic, happier customers and a healthier bottom line.

Copyright © 2007 Rick Sloboda
Rick Sloboda is a web writer at
Web writing services
More web writing information http://www.webcopyJustify

Yours for Success and Wealth,

GRACE TRAN - TEM Downline Specialist
Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Incredible New Compensation Plan
Build Your Own Business for F*R*E*E here!
P.S.Business Opportunities are a dime a dozen and I am sure you have looked at plenty in your search for the right one for you to run
entirely from your own home, with the absolute maximum possible profit and with the very minimal amount of work..Well, look no more because this is it: This is a very simple, very
REAL business that Will Make You very easy, very REAL Money! You probably wouldn't mind adding $1,000 or more every day to your bank account, would you?

[[[The Perfect Way To make MONEY]]]

There's never a better time than right NOW to tell someone you love them. You never know how long they will be with you

You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want

Monday, June 11, 2007

Stopping Spam With With Autoresponders

Stopping Spam With With Autoresponders
Glenn Gordon

It seems to be a fact of life that, the longer one has an e-mail address, the more spam arrives there. One answer to the spam flood has come from several companies, who, for a fee, stop all mail from sources you have not previously verified and forward it only if the sender replies to a verification request, something spam sources will not do.

This approach is quite effective, for a fee. The good news is that, if you have a website of your own with e-mail forwarding and autoresponder capability and an e-mail program like Outlook or Outlook Express, chances are you can duplicate most of the value of this service at no extra cost. To make it really effective involves turning your e-mail use inside-out, as it were. Instead of all mail being presented for your review unless you set up rules otherwise, incoming mail from verified addresses is automatically placed in what I call Welcome Mail folders. Most of the mail in your Inbox will be from people wanting to establish valid communication with you. The vast majority of spam will never appear at all. Sound too good to be true? Here’s how to make it all work.

You will need to set up 2 webmail addresses at your website. One I will call your Public Address (, one your Private Address ( Set up the Public Address to forward to a Verification Request autoresponder you also set up on your website. In that autoresponder message, say something like:

"Your message to (your name) is subject to verification before delivery. Please re-send it to (your Private Address) for review. If it is verified, you will receive notice and can communicate in the future without re-verifying.

I am sorry to have to require this extra step. It has become necessary to eliminate unsolicited e-mail.

Do not respond to this message; it is being sent by autoresponder."

Set up the Private Mail account on your Outlook or Outlook Express email program. There is no need to set up a Public Address account since no useful mail will arrive there.

Spam sources sending messages to your Public Address will not respond to the autoresponder message and so you will never receive those messages. Valid senders will respond to the autoresponder message and re-send their mail to your Private Address. The sender can use your Private Address from then on to send you messages.

For messages received at your Private Address, you will need to set up a "Welcome E-mail" folder or folders in your e-mail program to store valid email. You may want to set up one for family and friends, and one or more for business communications. Make rules routing messages to these various folders based on the sending address, using your address book list. That way, messages from your current friends, family and business associates will automatically be placed in respective folders for your spam-free viewing. You will also want to set up folders for viewing your favorite ezines, etc. (Note: Since many ezines are sent from addresses which won't accept replies, you will need to use your Private Address when signing up.) Of course, you can just operate out of your Inbox instead of setting up folders and rules, but since the Welcome E-mail folders are your last defense against spam, I don’t recommend it.

Don’t publish your Private Address anywhere and give it out only to those you want to communicate with. When you do give it out to someone, take their email address and make a routing rule so you will automatically receive their messages. Is there anything to stop spam from arriving at your Private Address anyway? No, but it should be small since you are not publishing your Private Address. And, more importantly, since your rules accept only e-mail from previously approved addresses, it will not end up in any of your Welcome E-mail folders. You will want to periodically scan the Inbox for valid messages awaiting verification. When you find messages from senders you want to communicate with, send a reply and set up a routing rule for that sending address. Note: The need to review your inbox for email you want to verify can be somewhat of a pain, but if you pay for the commercial services that I mentioned at the outset, the same step is necessary.

In general, you should set up other email addresses you publish to forward to the Verification Request autoresponder you set up above. An exception would be if you publish addresses like where your customers need to contact you with any urgency. Set such messages to forward to your Private Address and establish a rule to route these messages to the proper folder. Of course, be sure to include the subject in the hyperlink so you can establish the routing rule based on that subject. I have yet to receive any spam sent to such addresses with the subject intact, so the routing rule should keep your folder spam-free.

You will need to visit your Public Address webmail account periodically to delete the spam that will collect there, since a full box will probably inhibit the operation of your Verification Request autoresponder. A small price to pay for spam-free email!

Growing Customer Relationships With Autoresponders

Growing Customer Relationships With Autoresponders
Glenn Gordon

How do you build and maintain a good relationship with your customers?

Practice relationship basics - remember that relationships depend on communication, and that communication is a two way street. And don't imagine that a constant bombardment of ads is constructive of a relationship. It only says to that customer that all that matters to you is whether he buys.

You may be saying, "My customers are automatically put on my ezine mailing list so they hear from me regularly. I don't have time to do more than that." My answer is, the ezine is a great start. Now use my favorite tool - the autoresponder - to its full, time saving advantage to personalize the relationship. I have put together some steps that I think will build these relationships more quickly than any other

  • Personalize your communications
  • Generate feedback
  • Exceed expectations

    1. Personalize your communications

    Make sure you use the personalization feature in your ezine list manager and your autoresponder to full advantage. You know, [firstname], how you like to see and hear your own name. Whether you realized it or not, it's your favorite word! But don't overdo it. Just as you don't begin every sentence in a verbal conversation with the other person's name, use the name sparingly in your emails. Make it flow naturally by placing it in sentences that are more personal in nature (note the sentence above where I used your name, for example).

    2. Generate feedback

    Look for ways to generate feedback from your ezine subscribers. As you noted above, I have started features soliciting your feedback in form of your personal biographical background and information about your website. Anytime you can get your subscribers to share something important to them, they have come another rung on the relationship ladder. It should go without saying that you need to share yourself to encourage feedback. Communicate simply as you would if you were talking to a friend - you will find that your subscribers will come to consider you their friend! Don't be afraid to take a stand on issues, again, just as you would with a friend. It is difficult for your subscribers to develop a friendship if no personality emerges from your emails. If you are by nature a more private person (as I am), you may need to work at being more open in your communications. Have a friend or spouse read some of your emails to give you honest feedback as to how your personality is communicated. Obviously the latitude you have in expressing yourself is enormous. I receive several ezines whose authors always start out by writing about their children's braces or their dog's cancer. While that isn't my style, if you have a let-it-all-hang-out personality, then go right ahead. It communicates who you are. The personality you project won't be the favorite of all your readers anyway, but that's not the point.

    Use a spell checker and have someone else proof your emails if grammar and sentence construction give you problems. You have a message to communicate to your subscribers - bad grammar or incomplete sentences obscures that message. Even worse, it says that you didn't consider the message (and its recipient) important enough to get it right. Don't expect significant feedback if you don't respect your subscribers enough to pay attention to details.

    Autoresponders also allow you to easily get feedback on site issues such as HTML/plain text, or whether to publish on Tuesday or Saturday. Simply set up separate autoresponder addresses for each reply, or one address with different subject lines.

    3. Exceed expectations

    Assuming you are already doing the basics such as delivering a good product that does all it claims, and promptly following up on support issues, nothing builds good relationships and customer loyalty better than doing little things that are pleasant surprises.

    For example, your customers deserve first rate support and you should by all means deliver it. But why not anticipate as many of their questions and potential problems as possible by including a FAQ/support email in your autoresponder instant message that immediately follows up your sale? It will not only save you tons of support time and effort, it will deliver the message that you want your customers to have answers at hand before there are questions.

    Use another of your follow up messages to offer your customer another product that is a natural follow-up to the one you just sold him. It is not only smart marketing; it says you know what he is likely to need and are not just pitching whatever else you have to sell.

    Another message could ask for a testimonial in exchange for some item of value. This tells your customer you value his feedback and are willing to pay for it.

    Here's the biggest relationship-builder. Before you put your product on the market, think in advance what other less costly but closely related products your customer is sure to find useful. Offer these products as bonuses through your autoresponder follow-up series. By doing so, you will immediately set yourself apart from 95% of your competitors. Nothing I know of matches the pleasant surprise of receiving unannounced bonuses that are immediately useful and valuable. It speaks volumes about your thoughtfulness and the value you place on your customer and his needs. Even if you have to pay to get these follow-on bonuses, it will be more than worth it in the long term. One is great; if you can manage it two or three would be even better. Ideally you could continue to provide articles or tips on a continuing basis that relate to that customer and his needs. Autoresponders make it simple!

    This is just a sampling of the kinds of relationship-building jobs you can set up your autoresponder to do. Does this kind of approach call for considerable planning before the sale? You bet! While your average customer may not appreciate the fact that you spent the extra time to set up the post-sale autoresponder sequence, he will get the overall message that you care about him as a customer and have gone out of your way to see that his needs are met. As you build a relationship of trust and respect by applying methods such as these, that position you hold in your customer's subconscious relative to your competitors will move higher and higher. While this is an invisible, intangible thing, it will translate into future sales and a growing customer base. Combined with a continuing flow of good products, this is a recipe for online success. It's time to crank up the autoresponder and start putting in the ingredients!

How to Structure A Follow Up Series

How to Structure A Follow Up Series
Beka Ruse

Marketers the world over use follow up autoresponders to increase sales. But, many struggle to write a compelling message series. Don't let that keep you from your share of the profits! Print and follow these instructions; you'll soon be following up with finesse.

(Examples in this article use the fictional product "Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer". Any similarity to actual products is unintended and coincidental.)

Message 1 - Big Benefits:

Message 2 - Establish a Need:

Message 3 - Tool Talk:

Message 4 - The Wildcard:

Message 5 - Questions? Comments?:

Message 6 - Testimonials:

Message 7 - Last Chance:

Follow Up With Finesse

Beka Ruse is the Business Development Manager at AWeber Communications. Experience the acclaimed customer support and reliability of AWeber autoresponders.

When and When Not to Use an Autoresponder

When and When Not to Use an Autoresponder
Joe Bingham

You've got your business, you've got some ads ready to run, and
your site is ready to take orders. All that's left is to buy some
advertising and get people coming to your site. But should you
send people straight to your site from your ads or set up some
auto responder messages and direct them to those?

Hmmm. Good question. Here's some thoughts to help you with the

When NOT To Use an Auto Responder

In general, if you're selling a single product, something that's
not really that complicated, only requires a limited amount of
information to stimulate interest, or you are using the
excitement of the moment to make the sale, do NOT use an auto
responder. Just direct people straight to the site.

For example, ebooks. Generally, any information you need to
stimulate interest can be done on a single page site. You don't
want to give away too much either, and if you are setting up
multiple messages in an auto responder, what are you going to
talk about?

When You SHOULD Use an Auto Responder

A more complicated topic, products or opportunities that require
a somewhat larger investment, or plans to cover multiple
products or multiple benefits, require the use of an auto responder.

Auto responders give you more time to explain your business or
product. Or, you may just need to keep in touch while your
prospect considers a way to come up with the money for what you
are offering. In these cases auto responders are excellent. You
simply provide more information or feature different benefits in
each message and then direct prospects to your site to learn
more or to make a purchase.


No rules are perfect, so we should all learn to put what we read
into perspective when considering our own businesses. So, even
if your product is expensive or complicated to understand, if
that's better 'shown' at a web site than 'told' in an email,
send people directly to your site.

As well, you can use email information courses to keep referring
people back to your site for just one simple product.

Ways To Complement A Site With an Auto Responder

I've had quite a few hits on an auto responder I placed on my
site. I simply ask, "In a hurry? Want more information by
email?" and provide a link. That way, even though everything is
right there on my site, if they are intrigued but don't want to
spend much time right then, there is a way they can get more
information later, and I still get to keep in contact with them.

Also, you can offer different information courses through
autoresponders and put them on your site. This way, even if
people don't buy from their initial visit, you'll get repeat
contact and get multiple chances to convince them to return.

Auto responders are extremely useful. There's no replacing them.
It's just a matter of considering your product or opportunity,
and your options when deciding how best to use them.

Written by Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters
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Yours for Success and Wealth,

GRACE TRAN - TEM Downline Specialist
Build Your Downline BIG... Build It FAST... And Build It Auto-Magically With TOTAL EXPOSURE MARKETING! Power-Shift Into Wealth-Creation Today - For F>R>E>E>!
Incredible New Compensation Plan
Build Your Own Business for F*R*E*E here!
P.S.Business Opportunities are a dime a dozen and I am sure you have looked at plenty in your search for the right one for you to run
entirely from your own home, with the absolute maximum possible profit and with the very minimal amount of work..Well, look no more because this is it: This is a very simple, very
REAL business that Will Make You very easy, very REAL Money! You probably wouldn't mind adding $1,000 or more every day to your bank account, would you?

[[[The Perfect Way To make MONEY]]]

There's never a better time than right NOW to tell someone you love them. You never know how long they will be with you

You can have everything you want in life, if you will just help enough other people get what they want

How to Write A Follow Up Message

How to Write A Follow Up Message
Beka Ruse

Smart marketers know that follow up autoresponders drive sales. But, many don't know how to write the e-mail messages they need in order to use these tools. Don't let that keep you from increased profits! Write masterful messages with these simple steps:

(Examples in this article use the fictional product "Green Garden Lawn Fertilizer". Any similarity to actual products is unintended and coincidental.)

Pull the Reader in

Introduce the Product

Explain the Product's Significance

Tell the Reader to Make a Purchase

An Eye for Continuity

    More and more opt-in e-mail is being sent around the Internet. Remind your prospect that he requested your messages by keeping an eye on continuity.

    Start and end each message in a similar way. At the top, let your prospect know who you are, why he is getting e-mail from you, and where he is in the follow up sequence. This can be as simple as saying:

      "Last week, you requested more information about Green Garden Fertilizer..."

    Then, end each message with your own contact information. Use your autoresponder's personalization features to list details about your lead. Also, include a way for the lead to unsubscribe. For example:

      "This message was sent to Dusty Dan at On April 5th, Dusty Dan requested information about Green Garden Fertilizer. Questions? Call us at 000-000-0000. Or, to unsubscribe, click here."

Create With Confidence

Don't sweat over follow up messages - your prospects are waiting for you! Print and follow the guidelines in this article, and follow up with confidence.

Beka Ruse is the Business Development Manager at AWeber Communications. Experience the acclaimed customer support and reliability of AWeber autoresponders.