What Happened To All My Money?
It's funny isn't it?
Most of us go into network marketing with huge hopes of financial gains and then look up 6 months later only to see huge financial loses.
Let's start with a few important stats:
*95% of network markets never make it past the 1st year
* 3 out of 4 distributors quit within their first 90 days
*8 out of 10 distributors never sponsor a single person
But in contrast . . .
*Distributors that do earn a check stay twice as long as those who do not
Just imagine discovering how to transform yourself into the pursued instead of the pursuer. Yes! People can and will be breaking down your door with credit card in hand if you do just a few things right. Here's Where You Start!
These are the economic of the business.
As cold and as hard as they may sound I would be doing you an injustice by not bringing them up here right now.
This is compounded by the fact that network marketing in today's landscape is nothing like it was 10 years ago. The advent and the Internet and the huge accessibility of any company to anyone in today's network marketing model makes attrition a huge factor.
The model of cold calling leads is not applicable to today's network marketer because while the cost of finding a new team member has not risen significantly in a time based model the probability of keeping them has declined significantly.
This means you do the same amount of work to sponsor someone, but that person doesn't hold the same long term value that they once did so in the end it cost you more.
Further unless you have the financial means to fight the good fight you're dead in the water even if you recruit 10 or 20 people because in all likelihood most of them will not be there 90 days later.
Money is a much larger contributing factor in today's network marketing world than it was just a few short years ago.
I don't say these things by any means to say that success isn't on your horizon. I say these things to say to you that you have to think more about how you run your business than you did in the past.
What needs to be a focal point economically is $!
10 years ago you could get by with calling leads and slowly growing a locked in residual income even if the cost of each potential sign up was relatively high because those people would lock themselves in to you and what you do.
The cost was justified.
Today this isn't so true.
Unless you lock people into your business by helping them make money quickly you are standing in quick sand.
How do you do this?
Well, it's gotta start with you.
Remember yesterday when speaking about leverage I said:
"By creating a situation in which I not only control how many and how fast I generate an unlimited flow of the high quality leads I create maximal controllable leverage."
This is crucially important to you and your business as well, but what we didn't get into is how and well, how, involves a discussion of finance.
In order to keep yourself afloat in today's network marketing world you gotta make $ all throughout the process.
You have to monetize your efforts all the way down the path.
If you don't you end up spending more money than you have and inevitably fall into the traps I mentioned above. (Which are not your fault they are merely market conditions to be dealt with and overcome.)
When you take care of your personal finances you create a situation of maximum controllable leverage where you can literally recruit at will and with little real time or effort.
The truth is . . .
It's actually easier to make $500 a month and recruit 10 people than it is to spend $500 a month calling leads and maybe recruit 2 if you're lucky.
Which situation would you rather be in?
Let me tell you,
You don't recruit 375 people without picking up the phone unless you have a few things working in your favor.
The thing is, all of these things are in your control and as soon as you take care of money in your business first for yourself and then for your team as it grows it gets a whole lot easier.
That's the game I play.
Stack the deck in your favor and there is no other option but to win.
Don't you think it's your turn?
Here's Where You Start!
Stay tuned because tomorrow we're gonna dig even deeper. They say retailing is the lifeblood of your network marketing business, I say . . . well you'll see tomorrow.
To the top,
Respectfully Yours.
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PS: I want your input.. Any suggestions? Any Comments? Feel free to ask me any question about the programs you have viewed. Contact me by Clicking Here